Friday 1 February 2013

John Finch and George Couros

John Finch raised a lot of concerns for me in terms of using the internet and technology in the classroom.  From the political side there are a lot of things that we do on a regul basis involving the internet that are in fact illegal.  Using copyrighted pictures from a google search or not sourcing information is something that occurs on a regular basis in most classrooms.  Even for myself I never even think twice before copying and pasting any picture I find on the internet for projects. 

Being relatively new to the technology world and still trying to figure out how to use technology programs in the classroom I was unaware of potential risks such as companies that are housed in the United States, or elsewhere for that matter.  As a teacher using these programs with student information on them this could be a potential risk.  John did an excellent job at opening my eyes in regards to the terms of service that I don't even read before I click accept.  I will definitely pay closer attention to details like that especially when it comes to the tools I am choosing to use in the classroom.

George Couros gave me excellent points to consider about the benefits of using technology to promote myself when it comes time to look for a teaching job.  Having an easily accessible electronic porfolio for the interview was a great suggestion.  He also emphasized the power of technolog y to demonstrate your love of learning as an educator.  With a forever changing and growing positive online presence you can easily demonstrate that you are willing to learn in the same manner than you want your students to learn.

 He also talked about our digital footprint and how it can be a positive or a negative.  He suggested to google yourself to see what comes up.  I was very amazed to see things like my high school track results come up.  One of my favorite ideas George expressed was that we teach children first and curriculum second.  this is a powerful statement when you think about how easily it is as a new teacher to become wrapped up in curriculum and putting individual student needs on the backburner.

This week's two presentations gave me a lot to think about and consider when it comes to how I am using technology and how I can use it to acquire my first teaching position.

~ Carissa  


  1. It definitely was a lot to process in a week. I know I'm guilty of just scrolling through and clicking 'agree' on Terms of Service agreements. It's good to be coming across these things now, so we can model responsible use from the start of our teaching careers.

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  3. I thought the electronic portfolio was a neat idea. As much as I love technology and the convenience of it, though, I somehow struggle to adapt to the fact that a hard copy portfolio might get tossed in the garbage. I believe I am more of a hands on, build it my self, home made kind of girl in respect to alot of projects. Although I do have an obsession with constructing PowerPoints, I also love making poster boards and creating bubble letters. I suppose I may just have to grow up and get with the times as I adapt to advanced technology like electronic portfolios.

    I too am very VERY guilty of not reading the fine print of every Terms of Service agreements. Perhaps I should slow down and find out what I am actually getting myself into

  4. FYI: In ICT - which you will take next year - one of the assignments is creating an eportfolio.
