Thursday, 13 February 2014

Shooting Video

I have never shot or edited a video before other than simple ten second videos of things like my pets being cute.  Initially I was pretty scared at the thought of figuring out what to make a movie about and how it was all going to come together.  Once we created our big group the ideas started flowing!  With so many different ideas and visions of how our movie should look I think we came up with a better product than we could have each done separately.  We were guilty of shooting some vertical video.  It was amazing that with all 6 of us working together that none of us caught the vertical shooting until afterwards when we reviewed the clip.  Don't worry, we reshot those clips.  Vertical and horizontal video is something that I had never really thought about.  After looking at different clips done in both these ways it is definitely true that watching the horizontal videos was easier on the eyes.  It makes sense that we like to watch things left to right and not up to down.  We got all of our filming done this week and some music picked out.  Hopefully the editing part won't take too long.  We decided to go with iMovie because a few of us were already familiar with it.  I am really excited to view our final product and the other groups as well!

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